22 may 2017

Carlos Casares, Letras galegas 2017

Fabola está moi contenta porque  Carlos Casares ten moitos libros para nenos. Aquí tedes a nosa exposición  que non deixachedes de visitar este mes.
Os nenos que pasaron pola biblioteca no recreo fixeron este vídeo. Primeiro leron o conto do Peixe no Xardín.
Elaboramos o guión e buscamos debuxos axeitados ao conto. Montamos entre todos. Esperamos que vos guste.
Con esta adaptación do conto de Carlos Casares homenaxeamos ao autor.
N noso conto Ana é Sofía, unha nena do noso colexio que se foi vivir a Escocia. Con este vídeo queremos que os seus compañeiros escoiten que fermosa é a nosa fala.
Feliz día das letras galegas!
Dear Sofía:
You went to Escocia from Galicia two years ago. Please, don´t forget us.
We ´re going to tell you the next stories that Carlos Casares wrote in 1991. 
“I´m Carlos Casares, listen to me”:the fish of the fountain in the garden.
Yesterday, a fish died, he was a red and blue one. He appeared floating into the fountain in the garden. The policeman buried it. Poor fish!
There was a woman selling oranges, plums and apples and she said: “ a boy hit him”.
The policeman with a big moustache looked at the children and asked them: “ Who made this?” 
The woman wanted to blame a blond and naughty boy called Xavier … and 
Leoncio appeared… Do you remember Leoncio? Leoncio is a mad man, he thinks like an electrician…
Here, you and me walking to Madrid and we met Leoncio making a speech against planes.
“ Planes are not birds, so they can´t fly! This girl flied like a butterfly if I would want”.
Listen to me!: “yesterday it was very hot”. I sat near the fountain and a bird went to drink, he fainted because he was very tired. The bird tweeted because he was in pain.
Then the fish jumped from the fountain and helped the bird to drink and refresh… but the bird can´t survive and he died.
Leoncio picked up the fish and threw him into the fountain.
But it was very late…
“Don’t feel sad! Sometime I´m going to invent a happiness bomb. From it we can get ice creams, sweets, cakes and toys.